Saturday, November 10, 2012

Website Completed! Fall Term 2012...Check!

    So after weeks of stress and anxiety, my professional promotional website is finally up and running! Be sure to check it out at:!home/mainPage
It includes a biography, resume, photo gallery, performance DVD, and more information for further contact. After all the hard work, I am very pleased on how it all came out :) Please spread it around especially to potential employers!
    Well it is finally coming to an end, my Final Fall term at Mercyhurst.  With only one paper, presentation, and final left, I am very excited to finish up this term.  This past Thursday along with publishing our promotional websites, we had to hand-in our group project report on the current issues surrounding the arts. My partner and I had to discuss how technology is affecting the arts as our topic.  Although we didn't completely finish our paper until 3 am the night before because we had to format two papers into one essentially, I think our report came out fairly well.  And along with our paper, we have to do a group presentation Wednesday. Hopefully we will prepare properly and everything will go smoothly.
    As I am writing this post currently, I am also editing my paper for World Geography and studying for the final simultaneously. Oh, and I'm also watching Charlie St. Cloud...yes, I know procrastinating, but considering I'm not going out tonight like the rest of my roommates, I get to slack off a little. Can't wait for Wednesday to head home and see friends and family!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

One Last Week!

  Well Fall Term 2012 is finally coming to a close which means the amount of work due in this last week is enormous!  Papers, projects, presentations, and finals are all causing some extreme stress and anxiety for me.  Dance finals start at the beginning of this week which is the least stressful task of all of my work.  Having had to perform my dance finals every term for the past three years, I seldom get nervous for them anymore.  However, the rest of my week consists of an Honors Presentation, a 10 page paper, a 5 page analysis, a 20 minute Presentation, a project, a website to construct, a DVD to make, a conference, and one academic final.  Oh and also add in there two rehearsals and a lecture demonstration performance on Friday.  I just have so much work to finish before I can finally say goodbye to this Fall Term.  I am very anxious to see how my dance performance DVD that I had specially made by a professional came out.  It should arrive here tomorrow so I will be able to post my website for you all to see with a lot of my work towards my dance career shown on it, including my DVD, photos, and resume.  So you should check it out when it's finished!
  Hopefully I can just remember to just breathe for the next week or so.  I am very excited to the Thanksgiving Break because I get to see my family and friends and have time to relax, but I what I'm most excited for is my 21st Birthday on the 23rd :) Black Friday.  Cannot wait to celebrate!